
Special Reports

Lowering the Bar

More in Lowering the Bar

Lowering the Bar: Assessing Risk vs Benefit

Does marginal risk nullify marginal benefit?

Dec 14, 2016
Lowering the Bar: How PMDD Went from an Idea to a Diagnosis

Sometimes the drug comes first

Nov 16, 2016
Lawsuits Follow PMDD Diagnosis: Lowering the Bar

DVT and PE risks at issue

Nov 16, 2016
Lowering the Bar: Adult ADHD, a Risky Diagnosis?

As adult ADHD diagnoses increase, so do stimulant overdoses

Sep 10, 2016
Lowering the Bar: Patient or Addict?

For some an ADHD diagnosis is a ticket to ride the stimulant express

Sep 10, 2016
Lowering the Bar: Love Potion Number 9 Million?

Is the history of "low T" and "hypoactive sexual desire disorder" a tale of profit trumping science?

Jul 06, 2016
Does a 'Short Fuse' a Condition Make?

Some call it road rage, but medicine is now calling it IED. Lowering the Bar: Medicine in the 21st Century weighs the evidence

May 22, 2016
ADHD: How Did It Leap from Classroom to Boardroom?

Adults are now routinely diagnosed with ADHD. Why is that? This Lowering the Bar; Medicine in 21st Century report seeks answers

May 22, 2016
Lowering the Bar: Medicine in the 21st Century

Does diagnosis always mean disease, or does it sometimes mean opportunity?

May 22, 2016
Gluttony -- Once a Deadly Sin, Now a Treatable Disorder

This "Lowering the Bar: Medicine in the 21st Century" MedPageToday/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel report takes a hard look at binge-eating disorder

May 22, 2016