
Postpartum Depression and Mental Health

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Treating Anxiety in Moms-To-Be

The results of a randomized controlled trial suggest that an intervention based on cognitive behavioral therapy for pregnant women with mild anxiety, delivered by nonspecialists, significantly reduced the risk of postpartum depression and anxiety.

Improving Maternal Mental Health Among New Immigrants

Data shows that in Oregon, expansion of Medicaid services for prenatal and postnatal care was associated with increased perinatal detection and treatment of mental health conditions among low-income immigrant populations.

Mother-Infant Bonding Difficulties Predict Maternal Depression and Child Maltreatment

A Japanese report indicates that first-time mothers are more likely to develop depression and behaviors of child maltreatment if they experience early bonding issues.

Does Antidepressant Discontinuation During or After Pregnancy Affect Psychiatric Outcomes?

Women who are pregnant and who are on stable therapies for severe mental illness may benefit from personalized counseling and continuation of their antidepressants.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Postpartum Depression: An Underexplored Intersection

This large study reveals a correlation between RA and increased risks of postpartum psychiatric disorders in women without a prior psychiatric history. The findings suggest a potential biological link.
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Beyond 6 Weeks: A New Look at Prolonged Postpartum Challenges

This longitudinal study uncovers the persistent physical and mental health burdens faced by mothers throughout the first postpartum year, extending well beyond the conventional 6-week recovery period.