Patterns/Barriers in OncotypeDX RS Testing in Older Patients With Early-Stage, ER+ Breast Cancer: Implications for Guidance and Reimbursement
– An ASCO Reading Room selection
December 5, 2023This Reading Room is a collaboration between app® and:
To evaluate the clinical patterns of utilization of OncotypeDX Recurrence Score (RS) in early-stage, hormone receptor–positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2–negative breast cancer (BC) at an academic center with previously established internal reflex testing guidelines.
RS testing in accordance with preexisting reflex criteria and predictors of utilization outside of reflex criteria were retrospectively analyzed for the years 2019-2021 in a quality improvement evaluation. Patients were grouped according to OncotypeDX testing within (cohort A) or outside (cohort B) of predefined criteria which included a cap at age older than 65 years.
Of 1,687 patients whose tumors had RS testing, 1,087 were in cohort A and 600 in cohort B. In cohort B, nearly half of patients were older than 65 years (n = 279; IQR 67-72 years). For patients older than 65 years, those with RS testing were younger (median age 69 vs 73 years), with higher grade cancers (G2-3: 84.9% vs 54.7%) and were more likely to be treated with chemotherapy (15.4% vs 4.1%). Issues for implementation of RS testing in older patients were identified, including potential structural barriers related to the current policy on the reimbursements of genomic tests.
Internal guidelines may facilitate standardized utilization of the RS in early-BC. Our data suggest that clinicians preferred broader utilization of RS across the age spectrum, with therapeutically important consequences. Modifying the current policy for reimbursement of RS testing and in internal reflexive testing criteria for those older than 65 years is warranted.
Read an interview about the study here.
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Patterns/Barriers in OncotypeDX RS Testing in Older Patients With Early-Stage, ER+ Breast Cancer: Implications for Guidance and Reimbursement
Primary Source
JCO Oncology Practice
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