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A 62-year-old woman visited her doctor about thick, crumbling, discolored toenails that developed over many months. Can you diagnose the patient?
A 48-year-old man visited his doctor about burning, slightly painful, and itchy red spots that began developing on his legs 3 days prior. Can you diagnose the patient?
A 17-year-old mixed martial arts athlete presented to the doctor with complaints of facial lesions that developed 4 days prior. Can you diagnose the patient?
A 38-year-old woman visited her doctor about itchy, raised spots that developed on her fingers 5 days prior. Can you diagnose the patient?
A 29-year-old woman visited the doctor for a painful rash that developed on her arm 1 day after working on a landscaping project that involved pulling weeds under intense sunlight. Can you diagnose the patient?
A 55-year-old man visited his doctor for a growth that developed on his right leg, at the site of previous surgery, 2 months prior. Can you diagnose the patient?
A 68-year-old man presented to the doctor with complaints of right shoulder pain, joint stiffness, and decreased range of motion that developed over the last 2 months. Can you diagnose the patient?
A 13-year-old Mexican girl was brought to the doctor by her father for a rash that developed on her face over the last 3 days.
A 35-year-old man presented to the doctor with complaints of fever, sore throat, cough, diarrhea, and a rash that developed over the prior 2 days. Can you diagnose the patient?
A 68-year-old man visited his doctor about a lesion that developed on his mouth over the prior 2 months. Can you diagnose the patient?
A 65-year-old woman visited her doctor about a growth that developed on her finger 2 months prior. Can you diagnose the patient?
A 24-year-old woman visited her doctor about discoloration that developed on her back over the past 3 months. Can you diagnose the patient?
An 11-year-old boy presented to the emergency room due to an injury that occurred earlier that day. Can you diagnose the patient?