
Public Health & Policy


More in Ethics

Presidential Candidates Should Undergo Standardized Cognitive and Physical Testing

And the findings should be made public when situations emerge that raise alarm

Sep 04, 2024
A photo of the south facade of The White House.
$300M Lawsuit for Hospital Where RN Is Accused of Replacing Fentanyl With Tap Water

Suit says the hospital failed to monitor medication administration procedures

Sep 04, 2024
A photo of the Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center in Medford, Oregon.
If RFK Jr.'s Brain Worm Could Talk; Listeria Deaths Rise; Teen Drilled Skull in OR?

Health news and commentary gathered by ทฌวัษ็ว๘app staff

Aug 29, 2024
Morning Break over illustration of a syringe, Covid virus, and DNA helix over a photo of green vegetation.
How Should Unethical Legacies in Medical History Be Handled?

Reexamining legacy and revoking reverence help restore medical integrity

Aug 24, 2024
 A photo of a statue of J. Marion Sims in Central Park, New York City.
Traveling to Die: The Latest Form of Medical Tourism

Patients with terminal illness explore end-of-life options

Aug 20, 2024
A photo of traffic passing a Welcome to Vermont sign.
What to Know About the Doctors Charged in Matthew Perry's Death

Both graduated from UCLA, neither have any disciplinary actions on their records

Aug 16, 2024
 A photo of Matthew Perry.
Journal Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policies Are All Over the Map

Editors rely on the honor system; is that good enough to disclose authors' possible conflicts?

Aug 15, 2024
 A photo of a stethoscope draped over a stack of magazines.
I've Seen the Extreme Pain of IUD Insertion

CDC's new guidance is a good first step, but more is needed to acknowledge women's pain

Aug 15, 2024
A photo of a female physician holding an IUD with her out of focus patient in the background.
Two Doctors Charged in Connection With Matthew Perry's Death

Ketamine in actor's blood was in the range used for general anesthesia during surgery

Aug 15, 2024
A photo of Matthew Perry.
Does the Private Sector Help, or Hinder, Life Expectancy?

Analyzing the impact of the "commercial determinants of health"

Aug 13, 2024
A photo of the interior of a Dickโ€™s Sporting Goods store.
Over 100 Pregnant Women, Some Bleeding or in Labor, Turned Away From EDs Since 2022

"Increasingly less safe to be pregnant and seeking emergency care," says former HHS official

Aug 12, 2024
A photo of Kyleigh Thurman.
One Group Hopes to End the Use of Live Animals in U.S. Surgical Residencies

Many surgical residency programs still use live animals for training

Aug 06, 2024
A photo of a surgeon pulling on a white rubber glove.
Families Seek Answers After Inmates' Bodies Returned Without Internal Organs

"This is something out of science fiction," says one family member

Jul 31, 2024
A photo of a surgeon holding a plastic container containing a harvested kidney.
Can App Data Link Sleep and Chronic Disease?; AI Model to Manage Diabetes

Also in TTHealthWatch: a monoclonal antibody for ulcerative colitis

Jul 27, 2024
TTUHSC EL PASO HEALTHWATCH with their logo and photos of Rick Lange, MD, and Elizabeth Tracey
More in Ethics