Welcome to app's "White Coat Chronicles," a short-form feature series where we follow Emilie "Mia" Mathura, DO, MSPH, during her first year of residency in ob/gyn.
Yoga, massages, long baths, or maybe just a little quiet time -- this week, Mathura shares how she attempts to fit self-care into her very busy residency schedule.
Keep a lookout for more of Mathura's journey and the latest in healthcare news on app's social channels. Join our community on , , , , , , , and .
Mathura (a.k.a. "Dr. M") is an ob/gyn resident at a university program in the Southeast U.S. She is passionate about the surgical aspects of ob/gyn and public health research. When she isn't in the hospital, you can catch her on the dance floor of the nearest salsa dancing event.