Geriatrics >
Pain Management
News, opinions and meeting coverage in geriatrics.
Medtronic's Infuse Moves From Operating Room to Courtroom
An investigative series by app/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has been tracking the spinal fusion device called Infuse in a 4-year-long series and now reports how a flawed FDA system for device approval may have led to a long string of adverse events culminating in thousands of liability suits.
May 18, 2014
Rheuminations: Blame the Pain on the Rain?
Do your arthritis patients complain that their symptoms are influenced by the cold and wet weather? There's plenty of support for this, including a new study out of the Netherlands seeking to quantify this link and examine contributing factors.
Mar 16, 2014
Killing Pain: Benzo 'Boost' Can Be Deadly
Adding a benzodiazepine to an opioid painkiller can increase the effect of the opioid, or in the language of addiction, benzos can boost the high -- but the combo can be deadly, according to this Killing Pain report from app and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Feb 25, 2014
Killing Pain: Tramadol the 'Safe' Drug of Abuse
Almost 2 decades have passed since the FDA approved tramadol as a 'safe' opioid, but the intervening years provide evidence to question that 'safe' claim, as this latest investigation by John Fauber for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel-app revealed.
Dec 22, 2013
Common Cause for Bruxism, Restless Legs, Migraine?
NEW ORLEANS -- About half of patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) seen in a single neurology practice also qualified for diagnoses of bruxism and migraine, suggesting a possible common cause for these disorders, a researcher said here.
Oct 17, 2013
Deaths Trigger DEA Probe of Pain Specialist
Treating pain is challenging, and sometimes perilous, for both physician and patient, as is illustrated by Lynn Webster, MD, president-elect of the American Academy of Pain Medicine, who is the subject of an investigation triggered by as many as 20 deaths among his patients.
Feb 20, 2013