Geriatrics >
News, opinions and meeting coverage in geriatrics.
Rheuminations: Blame the Pain on the Rain?
Do your arthritis patients complain that their symptoms are influenced by the cold and wet weather? There's plenty of support for this, including a new study out of the Netherlands seeking to quantify this link and examine contributing factors.
Mar 16, 2014
Anatomy of an Epidemic: The Opioid Movie
The national clamor over abuse of prescription opioids is now at a fever pitch, but little has been said about what drove the boon in opioid prescriptions. This latest report from app/ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel analyzes a pivotal Oxycontin marketing video, it's impact and its aftermath.
Sep 09, 2012
Lab Notes: Red Wine Before Radiation and Red Clover for Hair Loss
Red is the color of the day, as components of red wine and red clover lead this week's Lab Notes, but the blues get their turn in the spotlight, too, as depressed people outshine cheerier folks in some elements of decision making.
May 06, 2011
After Meniscectomy, Thigh Muscle Weakness Impairs Knee Function
MALMÖ, Sweden -- Four years after surgery to repair a non-traumatic meniscus tear, loss of muscle strength in the quadriceps left patients with a painful, unstable knee prone to future osteoarthritis, researchers here reported.
Dec 04, 2006
IBD Patients Prone to Other Autoimmune or Inflammatory Disorders
PHILADELPHIA-Patients with the inflammatory bowel disorders ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are significantly more likely to suffer from other conditions with an inflammatory or autoimmune basis, said researchers in two separate studies.
Sep 01, 2005